Part of Me with Regret, Much of Me with Hope


Regrettably, I’d wasted several months seeking for direction by this week, or rather, remaining at a loss for the future and at times drowning in the present pleasure of comics, fictions, and dates—not that dates were a waste of time, but that they contributed a good deal to my ultimate getting rid of that attitude.

As Shakespeare put it, ‘Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end.’ Today it’ll be a mere half year before we’re armed to the teeth for the final battle that will mark a turning point in life. As for me, the past few months have gone uncomfortable and ill-considered, and proved an academically regressive stage, considering my terrible—not that I believe so, but that they caused a deep indeed unease among my concerned family—exam results.

Little had I tried to find my way out of the mental maze in me until that decisive date, when we together showed determination in pursuit of our dreams and happiness. At that very moment, it dawned on me that I had a great future ahead of me, for which I should give way to no difficulties or challenges.

However, the irony is that I’m spending time meant for other subjects on this text, seemingly desecrating my previous determination; therefore, I’d throw myself deep back at studies afterwards.

Here I’d like to express my thanks to an anonymous ‘train conductor’—one of my classmates. But for his generous offer for a dictionary, I wouldn’t be able to complete this text. Asked what he’d contribute to this text, he said, ‘Your use of the dictionary dramatically enriched its life history.’

I do hope that this text would make inspiring reading material, despite my finite vocabulary and writing skills, and despite my catastrophic handwriting.

Scallop Ye

17 December 2020

Part of Me with Regret, Much of Me with Hope


Scallop Ye





